Monday, May 4, 2009

39 down...1 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe we are finally down to the 1 week mark...We can't wait to see her and we are really hoping that she is early!!!!
I am ready...bags are packed...diapers are bought...bottles have been clothes are washed! We are just waiting for our little angel- whenever she decides that she's ready!
Sy talks to her every night and tries to persuade her to come out and see us!!! It's so precious...
I am ready for her to be out of me!!!...About two weeks ago I was sleeping sitting straight up in the bed, but I have started to recline a little more this week. Every morning I wake up I feel like I have been beat to a pulp- my hands always feel numb. I have alot of energy in the mornings, which is when I try to get my cleaning and some cooking done, but after about 3-4pm I am done. Heartburn is pretty much an all day affair and I am pretty much going to the bathroom every 30 minutes- lots of pressure on my bladder at all times! I am about ready to smack all of the ladies that talked about how great pregnancy was- I hate it!!!!
We went to see the midwife last tuesday morning and everything was great. My blood pressure, sugar, protein, etc are all good. The baby's heartbeat is good, her head is down and her head is in the right position so everything is ready to go. The midwife said that i was doing really well. We have another appointment tomorrow (Tuesday, May 5).
Everyone has been asking me if I have dilated any? The answer to that question is 'I don't know'. Here in Iceland they don't check for dilation unless there is a reason too, for example if I have been having consistent contractions or something...I am really starting to appreciate the methods and practices of childbirth that are used here. There are so many differences between the Icelandic and American cultures when it comes to childbirth. Iceland has the mentality that if there is not a need to check something- they don't. If your pregnancy is normal and there are no complications or concerns then everything is really laid back. They just kinda let nature take its course and when things happen, they happen. They would never induce a patient out of convenience, give a patient a C-section out of convenience, etc. They are even apprehensive about giving epidurals unless there are complications. Here, childbirth is a normal, natural process- women have been having babies since the beginning of time. Sometimes, I feel like in America there are alot of processes and proceudres that occur that aren't really necessary (not for health or safety reasons- soley for convenience) and that interrupt the natural flow of things. Everything that is permissible is not always beneficial.
My midwife did tell me that they will not let me go 2 weeks past my due date, due to health and safety concerns, so that's was comforting...I don't want to go 2 hours past my due date, in fact, I really hope that she's early!!!!
I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for about a week and a half now. In the beginning, I was having them only in the mornings for about 2-3 hours. Now I am having them at night for about 3 hours or so. Its comforting knowing that my body is at least trying to prepare itself for this delivery and not just hanging out.
Me and Sy have been having conversations lately about a name. We are still nowhere! It's ridculous! Our baby girl may not have a name for a while- even after she is born! Everyone please pray and we send our apologies to all the Americans who want to kill us for not having a name yet!


Stephanie said...

I know I am included in that "all the Americans statement". I love the idea of natural bith, but come on, give that baby a name ;). All I have to say is "you can do it, you can do it!" Praying for you, Sy, and "baby girl".

Love ya'll!


Marcus said...

Congrats on the new baby girl...
Hope everyone is doing fine.
Marcus, Penny, Taylor & Sydney