Thursday, February 12, 2009

Her first pictures...

Our baby girl had her first pictures taken on Tuesday, February 10. We had our 4D ultrasound that morning and it was truly amazing!!! We are in love and seeing her just made us so much more anxious to meet her in person! We had a time getting her to cooperate at first- she was still sleeping and 10:30am is really early for her to be up and moving around. She is already a night owl- every night at about 10:30pm she starts having a party!!! So the midwife and I tried several techniques to get her to move those little hands from the front of her face. She finally began to cooperate. She was so precious- moving, and drinking, and sucking her fingers!

The first thing that we noticed when we got a good view of her was that she definitely has my nose! The umbilical cord is draped around her neck in these pictures. The midwife said that its just floating there and not choking her or anything. It looks kind of like a scarf (she is already stylish like her momma!).
Here she is sucking her little fingers. This ultrasound truly gave new meaning to Psalm 139:13-17 which reads:
"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous- and how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable!"

We thank God for this precious little life- we already know that the Heavenly Father is as crazy about her as we are!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Finally, Pictures!!!

The two pictures above and below are of the market were I volunteer about 3 times a week. This market was started by the church that we go to here in Selfoss. People in this community donate items (i.e clothes, furniture, dishes, etc) that they don't want anymore and we take the items and sell them at low prices. Part of the proceeds go to help the ABC foundation, which is a foundation that helps children in Africa go to school. The other half of the proceeds go to help families here in Selfoss that are struggling during these hard economic times. Our church and this market has been a tremendous blessing to me and to this community. It gives me something to look forward to, it gets me out into the community, allows me to meet people, and it helps me learn Icelandic! I love being able to serve the Lord in this way!

I wanted to give ya'll a little comparison of how much I have grown. The picture above and below is what I looked like in January. The two picutures below that is what I looked like at Christmas. I don't know about you but I can tell a difference! I'm glad- that means my little princess is growing!

Me at Christmas- December 2008.
Me on Christmas Eve.
This is Sy paying for our doctor's visit. We are not in the Icelandic social medical system yet- its a six month process to get in. We bought medical insurance before we came and thought that it would cover the pregnancy, but when we got here we found out that it did not. We will get into the system in April- praise God- right before the baby is born in May. We pay for all of our visits in cash and that is something that the receptionists are not use to (they don't recieve many cash payments) becasue no one hardly ever pays- everyone in Iceland is in the system. Consequently, we get charged a different price for our visits almost every time we go. Thankfully, it's not very expensive overall, especially considering what we would have to pay in the States if we didn't have medical insurance.
This is a me getting checked by the midwife. She usually checks to find the bottom of my uterus and then she checks the baby's heartbeat, among other things. On this visit, as she was checking the heartbeat, I noticed that the heartbeat was slower than it usually is. Just as I was thinking that the midwife goes "judging by this heartbeat, I would say that you are having a boy." Me and Sy looked at each other and then at her and Sy goes "our sonar showed that we are having a girl". Well, that did it for me! I made Sy call and make us an appointment to get a 4D sonar- we need to make sure that our girl is a girl!!! Our 4D ultrasound is scheduled for February 10 and we are so excited!!!! Our next checkup is also February 10 at 8:00am and after that we head to Reykjavik for the 4D which is at 10:30am. We will have a busy morning.

This is the building that we go to to get our checkups. No I will not have our baby here. The picture above this one is the waiting room inside this building. You can barely see the sign on the right side of this building in this picture, but its called Hvita Husid in Icelandic or White House (a fitting name, don't you think). We took these pictures during our last visit, which was January 20.